Montessori Education

Montessori Education

The founder of Montessori Education, Dr. Maria Montessori, is a world-renowned early childhood educator and scientist in the 20th century. She founded and advocated "focus", "order", "fineness", and "care". "," "independent" and "confident" preschool education methods have swept the entire world and profoundly affected the education level and social development of countries in the world, especially advanced countries in Europe and America.

1. Montessori's five major fields of education

Daily life education

Including basic movements, taking care of yourself, taking care of the environment, life etiquette, etc., cultivating the ability to take care of yourself in daily life, and good habits such as mutual help and love.

Sensory education

Cultivate keen senses, and then cultivate the habit and ability of observation, comparison, and judgment.

Mathematics Education

Use visual aids to play math. Let children understand the relationship between number and quantity in the operation of learning tools, and feel the joy of four operations.

Language teaching

Let children promote the development of language skills through the description of objects, and at the same time infiltrate text activities to cultivate reading skills and prepare for writing.

Cultural education

Montessori classrooms are equipped with various teaching aids such as animals, plants, astronomy, geography, history, geology, etc., so that children can explore the mysteries of science while playing, and cultivate their interest in science from macro to micro.

2. Ten characteristics of Montessori education philosophy

Montessori education method is based on scientific methods. It is an excellent education model for quality education and potential development of children. The main features are as follows:

1. Focus on children

It opposes adult-oriented teaching and treats children as independent individuals different from adults.

2. It is an education that achieves the purpose of teaching without teaching"

Montessori opposes teacher-centered duck-filling teaching, and advocates starting from daily life training, cooperating with a good learning environment and rich education, allowing children to learn spontaneously and construct a perfect personality by themselves.

3. Grasp the sensitive period of children

Children aged 0-6 will have specific preferences in a specific period. If you learn this feature along the sensitive period, you can get the greatest learning effect.

4. Teachers play the role of tutors

Montessori teachers are generally referred to as GUIDE (instructors). They must have a deep knowledge and understanding of children's spiritual world and have a good knowledge of children's development status; in order to provide children with timely and appropriate assistance and guidance.

5. Cultivation of complete personality

The ultimate goal of Montessori education is to help children normalize. Through the design of the environment and the operation of teaching aids, children can build a perfect personality step by step.

6. Respect the child's growth pace

Montessori education requires teachers to teach children with different characteristics in accordance with the progress of children's development, and does not engage in a unified class-style education.

7. Mixed-age education

Keeping children of different ages together can make younger children have different ages to imitate objects, while older children can enhance their knowledge and ability by helping younger children.

8. Rich textbooks and teaching aids

Montessori teaching aids are very rich, but these teaching aids are not tools used by teachers to teach, but materials for children's work. Through these tasks, children construct a perfect personality from self-repetitive exercises.

9. Screening reward and punishment system

Montessori teaching respects children and cultivates their budding sense of dignity.

10. Explosive teaching results

Montessori education respects the inner needs of children, and allows children to grow up in a timely and appropriate manner. It is not easy to notice the results in the short term, but at a certain time, it will show the child's inner mental development level in the form of an explosion.
